Tuesday, 11 May 2021


This week my class Mamaku 1 went on camp to Westport. This is a slide of Denniston. Hope you enjoy


  1. i like yor post

  2. Hi Austin

    Great to see this post all about Denniston. This was such a great camp and I really enjoyed being part of it. Was this your favourite part?

    I really liked the trip to Stockton the best. I was amazed to see just what was on the top of that hill!
    It is always good to have a camp on the West Coast.

    Well done, keep up the great work. I look forward to reading some more of your work while you are learning from home. It would be great if you could post some work on your blog.

    Until next time

    Mrs Costello :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.